
Defines the shape and area of an image used as part of a location representation. The shape is defined as a Rectangle, Circle, or Polygon and Coordinates provides the information required to define it.


Name Type Cardinality
coordinates xs:string 0..1
shape ShapeCoded 1..1


A comma-delimited list of x,y coordinates, listed as a set of adjacent points for rectangles and polygons, and as a center-point and a radius for circles (x,y,r).


A fixed set of valid responses includes Rectangle, Circle, and Polygon.


digraph G { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 overlap=false; compound=true; node [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" ] edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 mode="ipsep" ] DDI4_ImageArea [ label = "{<id>ImageArea | + coordinates : xs:string \l + shape : ShapeCoded \l \l \l| \l \l}" tooltip = "ComplexDataTypes:ImageArea" ] subgraph { label = "" node [ color = "#" ] } }