
Use when creating an object that is based on an existing object or objects that are managed by a different agency or when the new object is NOT simply a version change but you wish to maintain a reference to the object that served as a basis for the new object. BasedOnObject may contain references to any number of objects which serve as a basis for this object, a BasedOnRationaleDescription of how the content of the referenced object was incorporated or altered, and a BasedOnRationaleCode to allow for specific typing of the BasedOnReference according to an external controlled vocabulary.


Name Type Cardinality
basedOnRationaleDescription InternationalString 0..1
basedOnRationaleCode CodeValueType 0..1


Textual description of the rationale/purpose for the based on reference to inform users as to the extent and implication of the version change. May be expressed in multiple languages.


RationaleCode is primarily for internal processing flags within an organization or system. Supports the use of an external controlled vocabulary.


digraph G { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 overlap=false; compound=true; node [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" ] edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 mode="ipsep" ] DDI4_BasedOnObject [ label = "{<id>BasedOnObject | + basedOnRationaleDescription : InternationalString \l + basedOnRationaleCode : CodeValueType \l \l \l| <BasedOnObjectbasedOn> basedOn \l \l}" tooltip = "ComplexDataTypes:BasedOnObject" ] subgraph Identification { label = "Identification" node [ color = "#000000" ] DDI4_Identifiable [ label = "{<id>Identifiable | + agency : xs:string \l + id : xs:string \l + version : xs:string \l \l \l| \l \l}" tooltip = "Identification:Identifiable" ]; } subgraph { label = "" node [ color = "#" ] } DDI4_BasedOnObject:BasedOnObjectbasedOn -> DDI4_Identifiable [ arrowhead=none labeldistance=1.9 taillabel="0..n" headlabel="1..n" edgetooltip="basedOn" fontcolor="black" color="#00000"]; }