
Binary relation over members in a collection (set or bag) that is always reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. It can also be either total or partial. It must contain like items.


Name Type Cardinality
type OrderRelationshipType 0..1
criteria StructuredString 0..1
isRegularHierarchy xs:boolean 0..1
label Label 0..n
definition StructuredString 0..1
description StructuredString 0..1


Whether the order relation is total or partial.


Intensional definition of the order criteria (e.g. alphabetical, numerical, increasing, decreasing, etc.)


Indicates whether the tree defined by the order relation is regular or not. i.e., all leaves are at the same level..


A display label for the OrderRelation. May be expressed in multiple languages. Repeat for labels with different content, for example, labels with differing length limitations.


A definition of the OrderRelation. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.


A description of the purpose or use of the OrderRelation. May be expressed in multiple languages and supports the use of structured content.


digraph G { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 overlap=false; compound=true; node [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" ] edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 mode="ipsep" ] DDI4_OrderRelation [ label = "{<id>OrderRelation | + type : OrderRelationshipType \l + criteria : StructuredString \l + isRegularHierarchy : xs:boolean \l + label : Label \l + definition : StructuredString \l + description : StructuredString \l \l \l| <OrderRelationpredecessor> predecessor \l| <OrderRelationsuccessor> successor \l \l}" tooltip = "Collections:OrderRelation" ] subgraph Collections { label = "Collections" node [ color = "#FF0044" ] DDI4_Member [ label = "{<id>Member | + label : Label \l + definition : StructuredString \l + description : StructuredString \l \l \l| \l \l}" tooltip = "Collections:Member" ]; } subgraph Identification { label = "Identification" node [ color = "#000000" ] DDI4_AnnotatedIdentifiable [ label = "{<id>AnnotatedIdentifiable | + versionResponsibility : xs:string \l + versionRationale : xs:string \l + versionDate : xs:dateTime \l + isUniversallyUnique : xs:boolean \l + isPersistent : xs:boolean \l + localId : LocalId \l + basedOnObject : BasedOnObject \l \l \l| <AnnotatedIdentifiablehasAnnotation> hasAnnotation \l \l}" tooltip = "Identification:AnnotatedIdentifiable" ]; } DDI4_OrderRelation -> DDI4_AnnotatedIdentifiable [arrowhead=empty color="#000000" ]; DDI4_OrderRelation:OrderRelationpredecessor -> DDI4_Member [ arrowhead=none labeldistance=1.9 taillabel="0..n" headlabel="1..1" edgetooltip="predecessor" fontcolor="black" color="#00000"]; DDI4_OrderRelation:OrderRelationsuccessor -> DDI4_Member [ arrowhead=none labeldistance=1.9 taillabel="0..n" headlabel="1..1" edgetooltip="successor" fontcolor="black" color="#00000"]; }