
Identifies the authorizing agency and allows for the full text of the authorization (law, regulation, or other form of authorization).


Name Type Cardinality
statementOfAuthorization StructuredString 0..1
legalMandate InternationalString 0..1
authorizationDate xs:dateTime 0..1
description StructuredString 0..1


Text of the authorization (law, mandate, approved business case).


Provide a legal citation to a law authorizing the study/data collection. For example, a legal citation for a law authorizing a country’s census.


Identifies the date of Authorization.



digraph G { fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 overlap=false; compound=true; node [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 shape = "record" ] edge [ fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans" fontsize = 8 mode="ipsep" ] DDI4_AuthorizationSource [ label = "{<id>AuthorizationSource | + statementOfAuthorization : StructuredString \l + legalMandate : InternationalString \l + authorizationDate : xs:dateTime \l + description : StructuredString \l \l \l| <AuthorizationSourceauthorizingOrganization> authorizingOrganization \l| <AuthorizationSourceauthorizingIndividual> authorizingIndividual \l \l}" tooltip = "Agents:AuthorizationSource" ] subgraph Agents { label = "Agents" node [ color = "#000000" ] DDI4_Organization [ label = "{<id>Organization | + organizationName : OrganizationName \l + imageURL : PrivateImage \l + ddiId : xs:string \l + contactInformation : ContactInformation \l \l \l| \l \l}" tooltip = "Agents:Organization" ]; DDI4_Individual [ label = "{<id>Individual | + individualName : IndividualName \l + imageURL : PrivateImage \l + ddiId : xs:string \l + contactInformation : ContactInformation \l \l \l| \l \l}" tooltip = "Agents:Individual" ]; } subgraph Identification { label = "Identification" node [ color = "#000000" ] DDI4_AnnotatedIdentifiable [ label = "{<id>AnnotatedIdentifiable | + versionResponsibility : xs:string \l + versionRationale : xs:string \l + versionDate : xs:dateTime \l + isUniversallyUnique : xs:boolean \l + isPersistent : xs:boolean \l + localId : LocalId \l + basedOnObject : BasedOnObject \l \l \l| <AnnotatedIdentifiablehasAnnotation> hasAnnotation \l \l}" tooltip = "Identification:AnnotatedIdentifiable" ]; } DDI4_AuthorizationSource -> DDI4_AnnotatedIdentifiable [arrowhead=empty color="#000000" ]; DDI4_Organization -> DDI4_AuthorizationSource:AuthorizationSourceauthorizingOrganization [side=r arrowhead=diamond labeldistance=1.9 taillabel="0..n" headlabel="0..1" edgetooltip="authorizingOrganization" fontcolor="black" color="#00000"]; DDI4_Individual -> DDI4_AuthorizationSource:AuthorizationSourceauthorizingIndividual [side=r arrowhead=diamond labeldistance=1.9 taillabel="0..n" headlabel="0..n" edgetooltip="authorizingIndividual" fontcolor="black" color="#00000"]; }